Ecosystems are real. Ecosystems are the future of Strategic Alliances. Ecosystems are there to stay. Customers want Ecosystems to play.

Wait a second. What is an Ecosystem? What creates Ecosystems? What are the Rules? How do you work in an Ecosystem? How do you build one? Why should you even build one? The two videos explain some of these elements.

A. Ecosystems : What is Ecosystem Strategy : Video 1

Ecosystems have rules and Ecosystems have a common structure. In a world of Digital Transformation with a massive change in People, Process and Technology – no technology product, process or people is an island. They are all connected. They are shared. They are re-used. 

When do you build Ecosystems? Why would you even build one? How do you build one? One needs a Strategy. The video explains how Multi-Products, Multi-Service Partners and Customers can come together to create value and perhaps superior value. However, there are problems and challenges and one needs to be aware. It’s all in the video!

B. Ecosystems – How To Build Ecosystems : Video 2

Once we are clear “WHAT” Ecosystems are, we need to dive into the “HOW”. 

Ecosystems have rules in it’s behavior, however building Ecosystems have no rules yet, unfortunately. That is because, it is new. It will take some trial & error for the concept to gain structure. Ecosystems fundamentally change the viewpoint from “independence” to “interdependence”. It needs precise understanding of win-win-win and negotiation methods as each party in the ecosystem always tries to maximize it’s own outcome. 

This video explains how multi-product and multi-system integrators can build Ecosystems together and the challenges. More on Ecosystems coming your way.

The training content is offered at no charge! Knowledge about Strategic Alliances need to be shared freely, else the profession will never expand. If you are benefited please donate to my non-profit below. The amount of $ does not matter, however it is truly appreciated, although please do not feel compelled to donate. 

Project Starfish America or Project Starfish ( ) is a unique non profit and is part of Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) Startup Exchange. Project Starfish trains, re-skills, up-skills and creates jobs for the blind and visually impaired whose unemployment rates are perhaps among the highest in the world ( typically 95% to 98%). Project Starfish uses a concept called "experiential learning" through management simulation that simulates entire work roles, skills and real work environments and this method is a breakthrough globally. Without a single donation, Project Starfish created employment for 300+ blind individuals in 8 countries. These jobs are real, inclusive and high paying jobs like: Recruiter, Sourcing, Project Manager, Sales reps etc.

Except the Founder : Subhashish Acharya ( Subs ), all other members of this organization is blind. Project Starfish has been highlighted in National newspapers like Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune and also in Khaleej Times in UAE etc.

Your donations will help create more jobs for the blind.

Donation can be sent via Paypal: Email ID :

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Project Starfish America (a 501 c3 non profit)
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